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Phimosis Treatment in East Delhi


If you are seeking phimosis treatment in East Delhi, Dr Pawan Kesarwani may be a potential healthcare professional to consider. Phimosis is a condition where the foreskin of the penis is tight and cannot be pulled back over the glans (head of the penis).

Definition of phimosis

“Narrowing of the foreskin”: this is the most classic definition that is attributed to phimosis. In reality, as we will see in the discussion of the article, the condition could hide more serious disorders than a “simple” preputial stenosis (narrowing), not so much for the phimosis itself, but rather for the consequences that could derive from it. It is not accurate to speak of a real disease, since phimosis rather indicates a peculiarity of the male genital anatomical morphology, such as to give rise to possible complications or diseases.

Generalities and Symptoms

The foreskin represents the retractable mucocutaneous layer that surrounds the glans of the penis: in the case of phimosis, the preputial stenosis prevents the actual uncovering of the glans, making not only sexual intercourse painful (dyspareunia), but also simple erection.

In severe phimosis, the man may even complain of discomfort or pain when urinating: in similar situations, the patient may also experience a progressive narrowing of the urethral meatus (external orifice of the urethra, located at the end of the penis).

In other words, phimosis represents an anatomical condition in which the dimensions of the preputial layer are not sufficient for the correct sliding of the glans.


There are several types of phimosis: in this regard, several sub-categories can be identified:

Congenital phimosis: Preputial stenosis is present from birth. In similar circumstances, surgery is recommended only when the phimosis degenerates into a serrated form (the patient complains of serious difficulty urinating) or when the shape of the foreskin is such as to prevent correct intimate hygiene. The therapies recommended to remedy phimosis are contradictory: some doctors recommend the sliding exercise to people with phimosis, which is useful for increasing skin elasticity; on the other hand, some texts advise against the so-called foreskin gymnastics, especially for children, which is even considered the most common cause of acquired phimosis.

Acquired phimosis: occasionally it arises as a result of inflammatory processes of the glans/prepuce (balanoposthitis, balanitis xerotica obliterans), genital bacterial infections, ammonia dermatitis and, sometimes, also due to the aforementioned preputial gymnastics. In similar conditions, it is not uncommon for the patient to complain of a progressive narrowing of the foreskin: when the condition worsens, the patient is hardly able to cover the glans again with the preputial mucocutaneous layer. In that case, surgical phimosis treatment in East Delhi is recommended.

Non-closed phimosis: the uncovering of the glans is possible, albeit partially, during erection. In similar circumstances, the condition could evolve into paraphimosis (suffocation of the glans), which makes it impossible to coat the barnacle again.

Phimosis serrata: the form of phimosis that causes major physical-psychological disturbances in humans, as it causes not only pain when urinating but also a flaccid penis, which in some circumstances could represent a remarkably embarrassing and unpleasant ailment.

Complications of phimosis

Phimosis, as already analysed, is not a disease but a particular anatomical conformation of the male genitalia: in the presence of phimosis, the patient is more at risk of acute balanoposthitis, postitis or balanitis, since the stagnation of smegma or urine in situ, itself a possible trigger for infections. The foreskin appears sore, sometimes itchy, red; often, from the urethral meatus, a yellowish substance comes out which creates irritation.

A cascade of chain events, therefore which, getting worse, could generate painful calcifications at the level of the internal preputial layer. In similar circumstances, it seems that the patient is more at risk of neoplastic forms at the genital level (e.g. penile carcinoma).

When a short frenulum accompanies phimosis, the patient usually undergoes a circumcision or an operation to lengthen the frenulum.

The paraphimosis, mentioned above, consists of strangulation of the glans and could complicate the pre-existing phimosis. Paraphimosis could cause congestion of the glans and edema at the level of the foreskin, to then, in turn, generate ulceration and necrosis of the preputial tissue. Surgery, circumcision or plastic surgery to widen the preputial orifice is recommended.


The diagnosis is based on clinical observation, which must be performed by the physician; generally, no biopsy or other invasive tests are necessary, except for those patients who, in addition to presenting phimosis, also complain of difficulty and burning during urination. In the latter case, a more in-depth examination of the urinary tract is recommended, associated with flowmetry, i.e. the measurement of the volume of urine excreted per unit of time.


Generally, congenital phimosis is not a serious condition, so unless the patient has other problems, no surgery or other treatment is needed.

In the case of just mentioned phimosis, the best sexologist in East Delhi could prescribe ointments based on steroid substances to the patient, associating a few delicate movements aimed at uncovering the glans, which must not be frequent, as they could even aggravate the condition.

In patients who, in addition to presenting preputial stenosis, show an evident urination disorder, circumcision could be an effective solution: in similar cases, in fact, the inability to urinate in a natural and simple way could cause serious complications, particularly in the renal.

Another option for the phimosis treatment in East Delhi, in place of circumcision, is represented by the enlargement of the preputial orifice and/or the lengthening of the short frenulum.

Erectile Dysfunction Treatment in East Delhi, Ghaziabad

Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction Treatment in East Delhi, Ghaziabad

Erectile Dysfunction Treatment in East Delhi, Ghaziabad by Dr Pawan Kesarwani

Dr. Pawan Kesarwani is a highly experienced and qualified sexologist in Ghaziabad, East Delhi. He is one of the best doctors for erectile dysfunction treatment in Ghaziabad, East Delhi.
Dr. Kesarwani offers a wide range of treatments for erectile dysfunction, including:
  • Oral medications, such as sildenafil (Viagra), tadalafil (Cialis), and vardenafil (Levitra)
  • Injections, such as alprostadil (Caverject)
  • Penile implants
  • Lifestyle changes, such as weight loss, quitting smoking, and reducing stress

Dr. Kesarwani will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that is right for your individual needs. He is committed to providing his patients with the best possible care and support.

To book an appointment with Dr. Kesarwani, you can call him at 9868317357.

Here are some of the benefits of getting erectile dysfunction treatment from Dr. Kesarwani:

  • He is a highly experienced and qualified urologist and sexologist.
  • He offers a wide range of treatments for erectile dysfunction, including oral medications, injections, penile implants, and lifestyle changes.
  • He will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that is right for your individual needs.
  • He is committed to providing his patients with the best possible care and support.

If you are struggling with erectile dysfunction, I encourage you to contact Dr. Kesarwani today. He can help you get the treatment you need to improve your sexual health and wellness.

Erectile dysfunction corresponds to a lasting reduction in the quality of erections. More frequent from the age of 50, they are linked to the physical and/or psychological state of health of the man concerned.


An erectile disorder or erectile disorder or erectile dysfunction is commonly called ” sexual impotence “: it is defined as an inability to obtain or maintain an erection sufficient to have a satisfactory sexual relationship. However, even in case of erection problems, it is still possible to feel desire, to have an orgasm and to ejaculate.

We are talking about erection problems only:

  • when they last more than three months;
  • when they are repeated with each sexual intercourse.

These disorders are different from a possible temporary erection failure. This last phenomenon, quite commonplace, should not be considered a problem.

Erectile dysfunction can occur at any age but is much more common from the age of 50. They affect just over one in ten men during their lifetime.


Erection problems have different causes: a physical condition, psychological problems, and taking certain medications.

Often, these factors are associated with each other and the disorders have multiple origin.

Erectile dysfunction of physical origin mainly concerns men over 50 years of age.

These dysfunctions appear gradually, over several years.
The main physical factors favoring the occurrence of erectile dysfunction are:

  • blood vessel abnormalities caused by high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, or smoking;
  • overweight and obesity;
  • nerve damage related to alcoholism, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis;
  • hormonal problems: male hormone levels too low, hypothyroidism, etc.;
  • chronic disease: heart failure, chronic kidney disease;
  • side effects to:
    • irradiation of the small pelvis,
    • a surgical operation, in particular of the prostate, if the nerves of the penis have been damaged (prostate cancer for example), but also of the bladder (surgery for bladder cancer).

Thus, age is a major risk factor due to the gradual decline in the rate of testosterone and the occurrence of health problems affecting erection function.

In men under 40, erection problems are more often due to psychological factors.

Illness or trauma to the head or spinal cord (eg paraplegia) may be involved.

However, psychological factors are often present and they can increase erectile dysfunction of physical origin.

It is mainly:

  • anxiety or stress. “Performance” anxiety is the first psychological cause of erection problems: the man fears not being able to have an erection and not being able to satisfy his partner. His anticipatory fears prevent the appearance of a normal erection;
  • depression;
  • relationship problems;
  • difficulties encountered in previous relationships.

At any age, certain medications and the intake of toxic products can cause erectile dysfunction.

These may be treatments prescribed, for example, for:

  • high blood pressure (beta blockers, diuretics…);
  • excess cholesterol in the blood (fibrates);
  • anxiety;
  • depression;
  • psychotic disorders.
  • hormonal disorders (antiandrogen treatment for example).

If in doubt about a medicine, never stop your treatment yourself: talk to your doctor.

Taking drugs (opiates, heroin, cocaine) as well as alcohol consumption and smoking are also factors favoring the onset of erectile dysfunction.

How do you determine the origin of erection problems?

The nature of the problems encountered helps to define their cause:

  • if an erection is no longer possible, the problems are probably related to a physical condition;
  • when erections still occur at night, in the morning or during masturbation, the problems are often of psychological origin.


These erectile disorders are often reversible. In general, everything is back to normal by following a few simple tips.

Do not dramatize

Erection problems are quite commonplace and find a solution in the majority of cases. So avoid focusing on the situation, and don’t worry. Anxiety can make erectile dysfunction worse. If you have stressors, talk to your loved ones.

Fight against impotence by improving your lifestyle

You can start by adopting new lifestyle habits:

  • Choose a balanced diet by limiting your consumption of fatty, sweet and salty products.
  • Practice regular physical activity if possible.
  • Avoid alcohol abuse: it sometimes disrupts erection for several hours. Over time, chronic alcoholism can also damage the nerves, and thus promote erection problems.
  • Stop smoking: Smoking can clog the arteries of the penis, and thus alter the quality of erections. Stopping smoking is sometimes enough to solve erectile dysfunction. To help you quit smoking, Health Insurance pays for nicotine substitutes.
  • Lose weight if overweight or obese.
  • If you have an addiction to a non-drug substance (heroin, cocaine, etc.), contact a structure that can help you stop your consumption.


See a doctor if:

  • erectile dysfunction lasts for more than three months;
  • the problems encountered and your sexual impotence cause suffering, whether physical or psychological.

It can be intimidating to bring up this question during the consultation. Also:

  • see a doctor you can talk to easily;
  • relax and feel comfortable. Doctors are used to addressing this subject because erectile dysfunction is a frequent reason for consultation.

Consultation and erectile dysfunction treatment in Ghaziabad, East Delhi

During the consultation, the best sexologist in East Delhi asks his patient about the characteristics of his erection problems: sudden or gradual onset, permanent or depending on the situation, the date of onset… He also asks him about the medications he is taking, his personal life, sex life and relationship.

He examines the genitals and makes sure there is no phimosis which could interfere with the onset of erections. He practices a digital rectal examination to look for an anomaly of the prostate (adenoma or cancer).

He is doing:

  • a cardiovascular examination: taking the blood pressure in search of arterial hypertension, cardiac auscultation, search for cardiovascular risk factors,
  • a neurological examination in search of disorders of the sensitivity of theperineumand lower limbs or a neurological disease (Parkinson’s disease for example).

He asks for a blood test to check for diabetes, kidney disease or high cholesterol. He can request a hormonal dosage if he deems it necessary.

An additional assessment may be prescribed depending on the suspected cause: psychology or sexology consultation, radiology examinations, etc.


If a disease is diagnosed (insufficient rate of testosterone, diabetes, kidney disease, hypothyroidism…), its treatment, associated with a better lifestyle, can help reduce erection problems.

If the erectile dysfunction is caused by a drug, the best sexologist in Ghaziabad may prescribe another treatment without side effects on the erection.

If psychological factors come into play, the doctor can offer psychological follow-up and refer the patient to a therapist specializing in sexology. With this practitioner, consultations take place alone or as a couple. They may be enough to improve sexual disorders.


If erection problems persist despite a healthy lifestyle, the treatment of the disease favoring their occurrence and the removal of a drug responsible, the doctor offers a drug for erectile dysfunction treatment in East Delhi, Ghaziabad based on sildenafil, tadalafil, avanafil or vardenafil. These molecules increase the influx of blood into the penis in the event of sexual stimulation. For the majority of men, the erection is then easier to obtain and can last longer.

Be aware, however, that:

  • taking a tablet should take place at least thirty minutes before sexual intercourse. The drug then remains effective for 8 hours (sildenafil and vardenafil) to 36 hours (tadalafil);
  • taking a high-fat meal at the same time as the tablet, or shortly before or after, may delay the action of the medicine;
  • the treatment is limited to once a day, and is not recommended for prolonged daily use;
  • the treatment can cause certain inconveniences (headaches, nausea, bad digestion, redness of the face, muscular pains);
  • treatment is not recommended in certain cases (heart problems, risk of interaction with medications nitrates). For more information, ask your doctor for advice.

Persistent impotence: penile prosthesis or penile implant or erection prosthesis

This definitive solution is proposed when other erectile dysfunction treatments in Ghaziabad, East Delhi have not worked or are contraindicated.

Penile implants are placed in the cavernous bodies or erectile bodies of the penis during surgery under general or locoregional anesthesia. They are invisible from the outside.

Different penile implants exist:

  • semi-rigid silicone implants: they remain rigid even outside of sexual intercourse and are lowered or straightened manually;
  • inflatable implants with 2 or 3 compartments: hollow cylinders are placed in the cavernous bodies. They are filled and then emptied using a pump placed in the purses. A water reservoir is located in front of the bladder in the abdomen in the case of a prosthesis with 3 compartments or integrated into the cylinders or at the pump in the case of a prosthesis with 2 compartments. The use of these implants requires learning.
low libido treatment in East Delhi

Low Libido

low libido treatment in East Delhi

Low libido, also known as reduced sex drive, is a common problem that affects men of all ages. This condition is characterized by a lack of interest in sexual activity and can lead to issues in both personal relationships and self-esteem. Understanding the causes of low libido in men can help individuals take the necessary steps to address the issue and improve their overall quality of life by best low libido treatment in East Delhi.

Causes of Low Libido in Men

There are several potential causes of low libido in men. Some of the most common factors include age, stress, and hormonal imbalances. As men age, they may experience a natural decline in testosterone levels, which can impact their sex drive. High levels of stress and anxiety can also negatively impact libido, as can certain medications, such as antidepressants and blood pressure medications.

In addition to these factors, lifestyle choices can also play a significant role in libido. Poor nutrition, lack of exercise, and excessive alcohol or drug use can all contribute to low sex drive. Erectile dysfunction and other sexual health problems can also impact libido in men.

Symptoms of Low Libido in Men

The primary symptom of low libido in men is a lack of interest in sexual activity. This may manifest as a decreased desire for sex or a reduced frequency of sexual encounters. Other potential symptoms of low libido can include erectile dysfunction, difficulty achieving orgasm, and a lack of energy or motivation.

Treatment Options for Low Libido in Men

Fortunately, there are several options available for low libido treatment in East Delhi for men experiencing this issue. The best course of action will depend on the underlying cause of the problem. For instance, men with hormonal imbalances may benefit from testosterone replacement therapy. Those experiencing stress-related libido issues may find relief through counseling or stress management techniques.

In addition to these approaches, lifestyle changes can also be effective in addressing low libido. Eating a healthy diet rich in nutrients and engaging in regular exercise can help boost testosterone levels and improve overall health. Reducing alcohol and drug use and quitting smoking can also improve sexual function and libido.

Prevention of Low Libido in Men

In addition to treating low libido once it occurs, there are several steps men can take to prevent this problem from developing in the first place. Eating a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins can help maintain healthy hormone levels and support sexual function. Regular exercise is also important for overall health and can help improve libido.

Reducing stress and managing anxiety can also help prevent low libido. Practicing stress reduction techniques such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing can all be effective in reducing stress levels and promoting relaxation.

Finally, it is important for men to seek regular medical checkups to monitor their overall health and catch any potential health problems early. Regular prostate exams and blood tests can help detect hormonal imbalances or other issues that may contribute to low libido.


Low libido in men is a common problem that can impact quality of life and relationships. Understanding the potential causes of low libido and taking steps to address the issue can help men improve their sexual health and overall well-being. Whether through lifestyle changes, medical treatment, or natural supplements, there are several effective ways to address low libido and improve sexual function in men.




premature ejaculation treatment in Ghaziabad

Premature Ejaculation

premature ejaculation treatment in East Delhi

Premature Ejaculation Treatment in East Delhi & Ghaziabad by Dr. Pawan Kesarwani: A Solution for Lasting Intimacy

Premature ejaculation can be a challenging and distressing issue for many men. It’s a common problem that affects millions of individuals, causing frustration and strain in relationships. Fortunately, there’s hope for those seeking effective premature ejaculation treatment in Ghaziabad & East Delhi. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the expertise of Dr. Pawan Kesarwani in addressing premature ejaculation and how his services can help you regain control and confidence in the bedroom.

Understanding Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation occurs when a man ejaculates sooner than desired during sexual activity, often with minimal stimulation. It’s essential to recognize that occasional instances are normal, but when it becomes a frequent issue, it can lead to anxiety and dissatisfaction.

The Role of Psychological Factors

Psychological factors, such as stress, anxiety, and performance pressure, can contribute to premature ejaculation. Dr. Pawan Kesarwani understands that addressing these underlying concerns is vital for successful premature ejaculation treatment in East Delhi & Ghaziabad.

Dr. Pawan Kesarwani: Your Trusted Expert

Dr. Pawan Kesarwani is a renowned sexologist in East Delhi who specialized in sexual health, with a decade of experience helping individuals overcome premature ejaculation. His compassionate approach and dedication to patient care have made him a trusted name in East Delhi.

Treatment Options Available

There are several treatment options available for premature ejaculation, and Dr. Kesarwani tailors them to each patient’s unique needs. These options include medications, counseling, and lifestyle changes.

Medications: A Closer Look

Medications can be effective in delaying ejaculation. Dr. Kesarwani may prescribe certain medications that can help you gain better control over your climax. These medications are generally safe and well-tolerated.

Counseling and Therapy

Therapeutic interventions, such as counseling and therapy, can be instrumental in addressing the psychological aspects of premature ejaculation. Dr. Kesarwani provides a safe and confidential space for patients to discuss their concerns and receive guidance.

Lifestyle Changes for Better Control

Simple lifestyle modifications, such as practicing relaxation techniques, maintaining a healthy diet, and incorporating regular exercise, can significantly improve your ability to delay ejaculation.

Tips for Partners

Partners play an essential role in supporting individuals dealing with premature ejaculation. Communication, understanding, and patience are key components of a healthy sexual relationship. Dr. Kesarwani offers guidance for partners on how to provide valuable support.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What causes premature ejaculation?

A1: Premature ejaculation can result from psychological factors, physical conditions, or a combination of both. It’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional like Dr. Pawan Kesarwani to determine the underlying cause.

Q2: How long should sexual intercourse last?

A2: The ideal duration of sexual intercourse varies from person to person. What’s most important is that both partners are satisfied with their sexual experiences.

Q3: Are there any side effects of premature ejaculation medications?

A3: While some medications may have mild side effects, Dr. Kesarwani carefully selects the most suitable premature ejaculation treatment in Ghaziabad & East Delhi for each patient to minimize any adverse effects.

Q4: Can premature ejaculation be cured?

A4: Yes, premature ejaculation is treatable, and many individuals experience significant improvements with the right approach, guidance, and treatment.

Q5: Is Dr. Pawan Kesarwani’s clinic in East Delhi easily accessible?

A5: Yes, Dr. Pawan Kesarwani’s clinic is conveniently located in East Delhi, making it accessible for individuals seeking premature ejaculation treatment in East Delhi & Ghaziabad.

Conclusion: A New Beginning

In conclusion, premature ejaculation is a common issue that can significantly impact one’s quality of life. However, with the expertise of Dr. Pawan Kesarwani, residents of East Delhi have a reliable and compassionate resource for finding effective premature ejaculation treatment in Ghaziabad & East Delhi and regaining control over their sexual health.

If you’re facing premature ejaculation, don’t hesitate to reach out to Dr. Kesarwani. With a combination of medical knowledge, psychological support, and lifestyle guidance, he can help you embark on a journey towards a more fulfilling and satisfying intimate life.

Remember, you’re not alone in this journey, and there is hope for a brighter, more satisfying future.

Contact Dr. Pawan Kesarwani today and take the first step towards lasting intimacy and confidence.

Penis Enlargement Treatment in East Delhi

Penis Enlargement

Penis Enlargement Treatment in East Delhi

Penis enlargement is a topic that many men are interested in but may not feel comfortable discussing openly. While there is no shortage of products and procedures marketed as ways to increase penis size, it is important to understand the facts and limitations of the options for penis enlargement treatment in East Delhi.

What is Penis Enlargement?

Penis enlargement refers to any method or technique that is used to increase the length or girth of the penis. Some of the most common methods include pills, pumps, extenders, and surgery. However, it is important to note that many of these methods have limited scientific evidence supporting their effectiveness.

Methods of Penis Enlargement

Pills: There are a variety of supplements marketed as natural or herbal remedies for penis enlargement. These pills may contain ingredients such as ginseng, ginkgo biloba, and saw palmetto. However, there is limited scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of these supplements.

Pumps: Penis pumps use vacuum pressure to temporarily increase blood flow to the penis, resulting in an erection. However, these devices are not designed for permanent enlargement and may cause discomfort or injury if used improperly.

Extenders: Penis extenders are devices that are worn on the penis for several hours a day over a period of several months. The idea behind these devices is that they stretch the penis tissue, resulting in increased length over time. However, the effectiveness of penis extenders is debated and they may cause discomfort or injury if not used correctly.

Surgery: Penile implant surgery is an option for men who are seeking permanent enlargement. However, this procedure is expensive and carries risks such as infection, scarring, and loss of sensation. It is also important to note that the results of penile augmentation surgery are not always predictable and may not meet the expectations of the patient.

Natural Techniques: There are several natural techniques that are sometimes used to promote penis enlargement, such as jelqing and Kegel exercises. However, there is limited scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of these methods, and they may cause injury or discomfort if not performed correctly.

What are the Risks of Penis Enlargement?

Many of the products and procedures marketed as ways to increase penis size carry significant risks. For example, penis pumps and extenders may cause discomfort, bruising, or injury if not used properly. Supplements marketed as penis enlargement pills may contain harmful ingredients, and their effectiveness is not supported by scientific evidence.

Surgery is a more invasive option that carries significant risks, such as infection, bleeding, and loss of sensation. It is also important to note that the results of penile augmentation surgery are not always predictable and may not meet the expectations of the patient.

In addition to physical risks, there may be psychological risks associated with penis enlargement. Men who are dissatisfied with their penis size may experience anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. However, it is important to remember that penis size does not necessarily correlate with sexual satisfaction, and there are many other factors that contribute to a fulfilling sex life.

What are the Alternatives to Penis Enlargement treatment in East Delhi?

For men who are interested in improving their sexual function or satisfaction, there are many options available that do not carry the risks of penis enlargement procedures. For example, practicing good hygiene, getting regular exercise, and eating a healthy diet can all promote overall sexual health.

There are also many products available that can help improve sexual function, such as lubricants, vibrators, and sex toys. These products can help increase pleasure and intimacy without the risks associated with penis enlargement methods.

For men who are experiencing erectile dysfunction or other sexual health problems, there are medical treatments available that are safe and effective. For example, medications such as sildenafil (Viagra) and tadalafil (Cialis) are FDA-approved treatments for erectile dysfunction and can help men achieve and maintain an erection.

The Risks of Penis Enlargement

While there are legitimate options available for penis enlargement, it is important to understand that there are also risks involved. Some of the potential risks of penis enlargement include:

  • Injury or damage to the penis
  • Infection
  • Reduced sexual function
  • Scarring or deformity

It is important for men to carefully consider the risks and benefits of any penis enlargement treatment in East Delhi before deciding to try it.


Penis enlargement is a topic that has generated a lot of interest and controversy in recent years. While there are legitimate options available for men who are interested in increasing the size of their penis, there are also scams and risks involved. It is important for men to carefully research any penis enlargement method before deciding to try it and to consult with a healthcare provider if they have any concerns. With the right information and approach, men can make informed decisions about their sexual health and well-being.


STDs Treatment in East Delhi


STDs Treatment in East Delhi

Have you recently had unprotected sex and are worried you may have contracted an STD? It is important to get tested in the event of a risky relationship and get immediate stds treatment in East Delhi.

What is an STD?

An STD (or sexually transmitted disease) is an infection that is most often transmitted during unprotected sex. While some are now treated very well with antibiotics, others remain serious.

What are the different STDs?

  • Chlamydia: Chlamydiae trachomatis infection is the most common bacterial sexually transmitted infection between the ages of 15 and 25, especially among women.
  • Gonorrhea and hot piss: Commonly known as “hot piss”, urethritis or gonorrhea, gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted infection (STD), often caused by the bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae.
  • Genital herpes: Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted infection mainly caused by herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV2) and sometimes by herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV1). These highly contagious viruses are transmitted by direct contact during genital or oro-genital sexual intercourse. They are manifested by the appearance of clusters of painful vesicles in the genitals, but also in the perineum and buttocks.
  • Papillomavirus
  • Syphilis: Syphilis is a bacterial infection caused by Treponema pallidum. Its sexual transmission gives it the status of sexually transmitted infections (STDs). It can also be transmitted from mother to child during pregnancy and more rarely during childbirth.
  • HIV: HIV, or human immunodeficiency virus, is the virus that can cause AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). HIV infection affects the immune system by reducing the body’s natural defenses against diseases such as infections or cancers.

Some numbers

According to the WHO (World Health Organization), every day more than a million people contract a sexually transmitted infection, and it is estimated that, each year, 357 million people contract one of the following four STDs: chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis or trichomoniasis.

In some cases, STDs can have serious consequences for general and reproductive health that go beyond the immediate consequences, such as infertility, or the transmission of infections from mother to child.

In 2016, 1 million people died of AIDS worldwide.

From 2012 to 2016, the number of STDs tripled in France.

What are the main causes of STDs?

During sex

There are about thirty bacteria, viruses and parasites that are transmitted sexually.

STDs are mainly transmitted by mucocutaneous contact during sexual intercourse, vaginal, anal or oral.

This is why it is important to use condoms during sex and for any type of penetration. Indeed, it is possible to contract an STD during fellatio and not only during vaginal or anal penetration.

By the blood

They can also spread through other routes, such as blood transfusions or sharing needles in cases of intravenous drug abuse.

From mother to child

Many STDs, including chlamydia, gonorrhea, primary hepatitis B, HIV infection and syphilis, can also be transmitted from mother to child during pregnancy and childbirth.

What are the symptoms of STDs?

The main symptoms of STDs are:

  • fever,
  • pain in the lower abdomen,
  • Itching or abnormal discharge from the genitals
  • Redness of the genitals,
  • Skin rashes,
  • A burning sensation when urinating.

However, infections are often asymptomatic, that is to say that one can be infected without showing any visible signs of infection. An STD can therefore go unnoticed. It is therefore important to get tested to find out if you have been infected and, if necessary, to follow an appropriate STD treatment in East Delhi.

How do you know if you have an STD?

You can have an STD without realizing it. Symptoms are not always visible.

To find out if you are a carrier of an STD, it is therefore essential to carry out a screening.

Knowing your status is the best way to be treated quickly and efficiently, and to avoid transmitting the virus to other people.

How to screen for STDs?

A doctor can prescribe an STD test.

Depending on the STD, different types of examinations can allow the diagnosis:

  • Urine analysis,
  • Flow Analysis,
  • oral sample,
  • blood test,
  • Vaginal sampling in women,
  • anal sampling,
  • Male urethral sampling.

According to STDs, it may be necessary to wait a certain time before getting tested.

What treatment for an STD?

Some of these infections can be cured. This is the case, for example, of syphilis or chlamydiosis or crabs.

The STDs treatment in East Delhi such as chlamydia, gonorrhea or syphilis is done using antibiotics. Also, it is essential to call a doctor because there is no treatment without a prescription.

Others like genital herpes or HIV are incurable and stay for life. But there are treatments that can reduce or modify the symptoms of the disease, such as triple therapy for HIV.

How to prevent STDs?

There are simple actions to prevent and stop the transmission of STDs:

To protect yourself and others, it is important to use a condom for every sexual act and with every partner whose status in terms of HIV infection or other STDs is unknown.

  • Get tested for STDs such as HIV, on a regular basis when you have several partners and each time you want to stop using a condom with a new regular partner.
  • Take the treatments prescribed by the doctor and follow them to the end. For certain STDs (hepatitis B, papillomavirus), it is possible to get vaccinated. Speak with a doctor.
  • Tell your partner(s) so that they can also be tested and treated if necessary.

When should you see a doctor?

If in doubt, if you have had unprotected sex, it is important to consult a doctor because STDs can be caught very easily and there are not always visible signs.

If you have an STD, it is important to meet people who make you feel comfortable so that you can ask all the questions you can think of: how did you catch it? How to treat it? How to avoid new contamination or transmission to your partner?


Nightfall Treatment in East Delhi

Night Fall Treatment

Nightfall Treatment in East Delhi

In men, orgasm is accompanied by ejaculation, that is to say, the expulsion through the urethra of semen, that famous white liquid that every adolescent impatiently awaits at the start of puberty. Ejaculation often takes place during sexual intercourse or during masturbation. But sometimes this phenomenon occurs at night without any voluntary stimulation… let’s take a closer look at how to explain this strange mystery.

Dr Pawan Kesarwani is a highly experienced and qualified sexologist in East Delhi and has a proven track record of success in nightfall treatment in East Delhi. He offers a wide range of treatments, including medication, therapy, and lifestyle changes. he will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that is right for your individual needs.

Wet Dream (Night Fall)

This phenomenon is also called “wet dream” (formerly it was called “nightfall”). It most often occurs at the onset of puberty. It is indeed during adolescence, and particularly before the first sexual intercourse, that nocturnal ejaculation is most frequent. However, it also exists in adult men but remains rarer.

Nocturnal ejaculation is an involuntary and uncontrolled reflex. Unlike actual ejaculation, this phenomenon occurs without the penis being directly stimulated. This is a completely normal and natural physical reaction, even if it is often embarrassing for our Jules. Some wake up during the expulsion of semen. Others continue to sleep and only realize it when they wake up.

How then to explain them?

Nocturnal erections often occur during the phases of REM sleep (those of dreams). During these phases, the sympathetic system that usually controls the muscles of the penis relaxes. This is how these come into action to cause an erection. Your Jules can then gesticulate or make various sounds to show his unconscious pleasure. If you don’t wake him up, the erection continues until ejaculation. These reflexes maintain blood circulation by oxygenating the corpora cavernosa so that they remain elastic. If they occur most often at night, involuntary erections can also occur at times of the day when Mr. is particularly relaxed.

Should nocturnal ejaculation be equated with erotic dreams?

Nocturnal ejaculation is very often associated with erotic dreams in the collective imagination. However, the correlation between this kind of dream and nightfall is only a received idea. According to sexologists, it would even seem that it is the natural excitement, caused by the erection, which generates these pink dreams, by pure physiological effect, and not the reverse. Moreover, some men claim to have nightfall without it being accompanied by erotic dreams. So, if when you wake up, you find wet sheets, don’t panic! Be aware that this does not (always) mean that Monsieur realizes his unacknowledged fantasies in his sleep… or that he needs erotic dreams to satisfy an overflowing libido.

Frequent wet dreams, should you be worried?

Is there a correlation between sex life and the frequency of nocturnal ejaculations? Some men find that they are more inclined to experience these phenomena during periods when sexual activity is less important (intercourse or masturbation). Others see no connection between their wet dreams and the richness of their sex life. Moreover, it is believed that nocturnal ejaculations are therefore not simply a response to a long period of abstinence or to an accumulation of sperm in the testicles.

Let these gentlemen be reassured, that the frequent nightfall is not a malfunction. They are also not indicative of any sexual disorder. If the mechanics are in good working order, there is no reason to worry!

Can nocturnal erections be dangerous?

In addition to the spontaneous nocturnal ejaculations we have been talking about so far, which are completely normal, there is another type of nocturnal erection. This is intermittent nocturnal priapism. Linked to a pathological phenomenon, these erections can last several hours and this is so long that they are often painful. Over time, spending so much time erect can be harmful to the penis. This can go as far as the appearance of fibrosis of the cavernous bodies.

Intermittent nocturnal priapism is not very common. It is even rather rare and mainly affects men with sickle cell disease. It is a genetic disease that causes abnormal haemoglobin. There is then a drug treatment to remedy intermittent nocturnal priapism. It is actually based on treating the cause of the problem, i.e. the underlying disease.

If you notice painful and abnormally long nocturnal erections, we strongly advise you to consult Dr Pawan Kesarwani, the best sexologist in Ghaziabad.

Suggestion to avoid nightfall

Here are some of the things you can do to treat nightfall:

  • Identify and avoid triggers. If you know what triggers your nightfall, such as watching pornography or eating certain foods, try to avoid those things.
  • Establish a regular sleep schedule. Go to bed and wake up at the same time each day, even on weekends. This will help to regulate your body’s natural sleep-wake cycle.
  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol before bed. Both caffeine and alcohol can interfere with sleep.
  • Create a relaxing bedtime routine. This could include taking a warm bath, reading a book, or listening to calming music.
  • Get regular exercise. Exercise can help to improve sleep quality. However, avoid exercising too close to bedtime, as this can make it harder to fall asleep.